The procedure by Mariella Santibáñez Koref

The procedure by Mariella Santibáñez Koref

Director: Mariella Santibáñez Koref

Country of origin: Argentina

Country of Filming: Argentina

Film Language: Spanish

Category: Micro-budget Short Film (budget under $5k USD

Anita is a single mother who emigrated from Venezuela to Argentina. In order to support herself and her son, she works as an illegal immigrant in a small supermarket in Buenos Aires. One day, her boss threatens to suspend her from work. The officer in the migration office, Mauro, has thrown an eye on Anita already for some time. However, until now he has not been successful. Finally he sees his great opportunity.


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Director Biography — Mariella Santibáñez Koref

Mariella has worked as a production assistant at the German production company Ziegler Film and as a assistant to the German director Rosa von Praunheim. Since 2014, she is enrolled at the University of Television and Film in Munich. During where she has produced several short films, one of which, FIND FIX FINISH, was selected in 110 international festivals (including San Sebastian, Melbourne, IDFA, Camerimage), and was also awarded in several of them. Between 2017 and 2018, she studied directing at the Universidad del Cine Buenos Aires.

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