Mind’s the Limit by Andrei Lobanov

Mind’s the Limit by Andrei Lobanov

Director: Andrei Lobanov

Country of origin: Russian Federation

Country of Filming: Russian Federation

Film Language: Russian

Runtime: 22:30

Short Documentary (budget under $5k USD)

An audiovisual immersion in the inner world of people with developmental disabilities living in Psychoneurological Institution No. 3 near Peterhof, the documentary short, Mind’s the Limit, tells the story of a place that may look like a treatment facility but is in actuality a place of social adaptation and a space for creative experimentation. Many live under the care of its staff until their final days, while exploring new worlds through abstract painting and electronic music. Creativity is their only way to connect with the outside world. What path do they have to travel for their work to become contemporary art?

Director Biography — Andrei Lobanov

Andrei Lobanov, 23, is an aspiring film director from Russia, an international journalist and a
graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He has created films and
short videos on social issues for the TOK video platform. Lobanov is committed to showing his
generation that to care is trendy, to help people is exciting and to be civic-minded is not
embarrassing. He achieves his goal by blending serious social issues with modern trends. What
do IDM and life in a residential facility for people with mental disability have in common?
Lobanov’s debut work, Mind’s the Limit, is exactly about that.

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