In search of a Peak by Alexander Dyachenko

In search of a Peak by Alexander Dyachenko

Director: Alexander Dyachenko

Country of origin: Russian Federation

Country of Filming: Russian Federation

Film Language: Russian

Runtime: 15:41

Short Documentary (budget under $5k USD)

Gleb Sokolov spent most of his life in the mountains. There are more than 60 ascensions under his belt, including Everest, K-2, Lhotse. Now he leads an active lifestyle and wants to continue skiing up to 80 years … And further. The mountaineer shares his thoughts and memories with pictures taken on the way to the top. He began to photograph in 1997 after his first trip to the Himalayas, in order to show what he saw to his friends and to keep for himself. After his words about the most important thing in the life of a mountaineer, you begin to understand a little more about yourself. Because our life, it is like climbing a mountain — there are many obstacles on the way.

Director Biography — Alexander Dyachenko

Alexander Dyachenko is a young cinematographer from Siberia. Graduated from NSTU with diploma project «In search of a peak»- short documentary film about mountaineer.

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