ULTIO by Dias Dias Azimzhan

ULTIO by Dias Dias Azimzhan

Director: Dias Azimzhan. Production Budget: Over $5k USD. Country of origin: Kazakhstan. Country of Filming: USA

Short low budget Film (budget over $5k USD)

A son, who blames on his dad the loss of his mother, but at the same time, finds himself jealous of him when a stepmother steps into their lives.
A father, who struggles to find a way and appropriate time, to tell the truth to his son, and finally be forgiven.
Both in need of each other, both have a secret from each other.

Director Biography — Dias Azimzhan

Dias Azimzhan (birth name: Dias Azimzhanov) is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer from Almaty. In 2017 he has got his MFA in Filmmaking at New York Film Academy.

Director Statement

In this story, I set out to create a little authentic world where people has to learn from their mistakes in past and value what they have, and not only see what they want to see.


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