Rough Remote Rumble

Rough Remote Rumble


Country of origin: Spain

Country of Filming: Peru

Film Language: Spanish

Category: 2021 Documentary (budget over $5k USD)

A man’s childhood home, a modest and ruined stonework in the heights, is about to be demolished. A stonecutter returns to his native land to give with his own hands a dignified end to the last remains of his family past. Perhaps the mere contemplation of a cloud changing its shape is enough to know if something else can still be done.

Led by a real stonecutter, «Rough Remote Rumble» are the images and the sounds of the resistance to a decline.


Full movie

Director Biography — JORGE LOPEZ NAVARRETE

Born in Badalona (Barcelona), after completing a Master in Digital Cinema at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, he made the short film «Little Block of Cement with Dishevelled Hair Containing the Sea», a self-financed low budget project shown in Festivals like San Francisco, New Horizons or Montreal, and nominated for the European Film Awards 2014. «Rough Remote Rumble» is his debut feature, premiered at the Ann Arbor Film Festival.

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