Paper worlds by Sofya Leonidova
Director: Sofya Leonidova
Country of origin: Russian Federation
Country of Filming: Russian Federation
Film Language: Russian
Category: Short Documentary (budget under $5k USD)
Portrait of Kazakh-Russian painter Latif Kazbekov. We’ll meet him in the studio — the place where outer world and inner world are mixed together. Where paintings as a result are less important than process itself. Paper reliefs, thoughtful paintings, artisanal paper-making and endless questions. An attempt to look into origins of art and answer the questing: where do paper worlds come from?
Born in Kharkov, Ukraine, raised in Moscow. Currently I am a student of GITR (TV and Radio university)
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almaty indie film fest
Paper worlds by Sofya Leonidova2020-10-212020-10-25 Independent Film Festival