Timeless Time by Lukas Kellner

Timeless Time by Lukas Kellner

Director: Lukas Kellner. Country of origin: Germany. Country of Filming: Germany. Film Language: English

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A modern day king Ludwig II is stressed in his daily live and finds joy only in art. In his free time he draws a landscape he often dreams of. Projecting the nature he longs for onto his surroundings, he falls asleep and awakens at a different place in a different time. He keeps on looking for the place he has always seen in his minds eye until he finally reaches it and decides to make his dream come reality.

Director Biography — Lukas Kellner

Lukas Kellner is a young, award winning director, based in central Germany. His career originated in stage work in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Later he directed several projects, gained experiences in well known production companies, such as the ‚Rat Pack Filmproduktion’ and successfully realized collaborations with ‚boxfish-film’.

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