The Fifth Sun by Matteo Maggi and Cristiana Pecci

The Fifth Sun by Matteo Maggi and Cristiana Pecci

Director: Matteo Maggi and Cristiana Pecci. Production Budget: $60k USD. Country of origin:Finland. Country of Filming: Australia, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation

Documentary (budget over $5k USD)

Is travelling a form of vagrancy, or is it more of an inner journey that completes you, when you finally reach the end of the road?
This is one of the questions that directors pondered, deciding to follow Finnish traveler and former fire-fighter Panu in a road trip from Finland to Australia.
The Fifth Sun is a glimpse into a lifestyle where your whole life fits into a backpack, trying to make you consider your own ideas about freedom.

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