Snow Shelter

Director: Robertas Nevecka

Country of origin: Lithuania

Country of Filming: Lithuania

Film Language: Lithuanian

Category: 2021 Short low budget Film (budget over $5k USD)

Frigid winter in a war-devastated, present-day city. Several years have passed since the destruction, and the city is slowly rebuilding. A thirty-year-old guy is living as a squatter in an apartment with a group of strangers. He struggles to survive and also to find a little more comfort in this rough setting. One night he nearly burns the flat down, hoping for a warmer sleep. His roommates start hating him, so the guy has to find another shelter.


Full movie

Director Biography — Robertas Nevecka

Robertas Nevecka (1984) is a self-taught animator. He worked with a number of local and international animation projects (for brands such as MTV, Warner Music, Lionsgate, Deviantart, etc.).

He creates film industry meta comics and recently finished a short animated film «Film Crew in Quarantine»

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