Somnium by C. SURHAY KILIC

Somnium by C. SURHAY KILIC


Country of origin: Turkey

Country of Filming: Turkey

Film Language: Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Turkish

Category: Animated Short (budget under $5k USD)

Runtime: 4:11

Science and discovery heavily relies on imagination. So, we had a little help from children, whose imagination are limitless.

We interviewed children from 5 different countries and asked them «What do you think about space?» Then they gave us their drawings of their dreams of space.

We then brought their dreams to life, with the use of CGI. That is why our film is called «Somnium» (Dream, in Latin).

Director Biography — C. SURHAY KILIC

Between his growing interest in numerous art subjects and,
trying to discover new meanings to communicate through the image, Cagri Surhay “Nart” Kilic is tempted to continue drawing out one standard of his life and interlacing it with his own words, and neglect the many other threads that make up the tapestry.

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