Homesick by Hila Einy

Homesick by Hila Einy

Director: Hila Einy

Country of origin: Israel

Country of Filming: Israel

Film Language: English

Category: Animated Short (budget under $5k USD)

Runtime: 7:15

A crisis in a young woman’s life forces her to return to her parents’ home. Her reappearance shakes the delicate balance in the family nest.

Director Biography —  Hila Einy, Yoav Aluf, Noy Bar

Hila Einy, Yoav Aluf and Noy Bar, graduates of Bezalel 2018, were born and raised in Israel. During their studies, Yoav specialized in Stop-motion and Hila and Noy specialized in 2d animation technique. The film «HOMESICK» is their graduation film they created as part of their animation studies at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

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