Rencontre by Antonin Lechat


Director: Antonin Lechat. France. Production Budget: 7,500 EUR.

Short low budget Film (budget over $5k USD)


Rencontre recount a travel journal from the Mongolian steppes to a village of Bretagne by the Atlantic’s shores.

Crossing 3 continents, from Ulaanbaatar to Le Pouliguen passing by Samarkand, Isfahan, Cairo or Sarajevo, through the Pamir’s mountain range, the Gobi deserts and the Arabian’s land.

From several solo travel experiences such as astonishment and fear, pain and love, encounters and solitude, Antonin Lechat will travel on a geographically emotional world map that will approach him to himself as the road brings our character to his origins.

Director biography

6 years ago, before starting a cinema school back in London, Antonin gets a month internship in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) at a local production company. The experience is very productive on both side, and the month internship becomes a year.
Thank to this experience, Antonin direct his first documentary in Mongolia where he discovers the society in full transition. Antonin works also on several project with or the local Alliance Française. He helps also french TV to produce documentary in Mongolia.
Finally after 2 years staying in Mongolia, Antonin decide to travel back to France by land. This travel project becomes his new documentary project.

Director Statement

It’s been years now, that I am leaving abroad (Australia, England, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan), and that I am studying on my own the history and the culture of those places. I strongly believing that encounter and understanding of another culture are an education essential in each man’s life. Naturally after 24 months in Mongolia, the evidence of my experiences guided me towards such a project. It was the perfect timing to undertake it.

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